Saturday 9 April 2011

Welcome to the Miss Adventures of Supply

Most teachers, at some point, have done supply. Sometimes it's after graduation, sometimes to fit in with family, but it's seen as the short straw. I graduated with qts two years ago, and after a bit of a break from teaching went back in via supply. I can see why some people dread it, but, if nothing else, it makes for some great anecdotes. I'm starting this blog not as a 'how-to' blog with behaviour management tips, but as a story blog. I've had some really funny, wonderful moments on supply, and I'd like to share them. Now on to the technicalities...

I live and work in the North West. That is as detailed as the location is going to get. I will never name schools, staff or children (or myself) explicitly, because I think they have the right to remain private. I will, however, probably give them codenames, because it makes me feel like a spy and I like that. All of these stories unless stated took place in North West High Schools, with pupils from 11 -18.

I hope that people enjoy reading this blog and that, if you do, you'll give me feedback. If you don't, you can also give me feedback but I probably will not enjoy it as much. You can comment here or email me at

And a thank you to A, who suggested this idea. How I had never thought about it before, I will never understand.


  1. Welcome to the er ... teaching blogoverse, or whatever it is called. Hope you stick around.

  2. Thank you! I wasn't aware the teaching blogoverse was so large.
